Crinum defixum Kar-Gawl. 

Stout, bulbous herb, attaining the height upto 1.5 m 
Fibrous roots, without any aerial out growth of roots 
Rhizome bulb, ovoid or globose, caudex 
Lamina upto 0.5 m long and 8.0 cm in breadth, slightly sheathing at base, linear, entire, acute, adaxially convex, dark green, fleshy, glabrous, isobilateral, unicostate, parallel venation. 
Inflorescence umbel, scape axillary, erect, cylindrical, triangular, fleshy, solid, spongy, green, 5 - 10 flowers on each peduncle 
Flower ebracteate, bisexual, regular, erect, epigynous, upto 5.5 cm long and 5.0 cm across. 
Tepals 5, gamotepalous, 5 lobes above, linear, mucronate, herbaceous, imbricate, white, convex, slightly folded, deciduous, fuse to form hollow tube beneath, fleshy, spongy 
Stamens 6, free, filaments jointed at base by white thin layer, mid position curved, anthers bilobed, dark yellow with mid-narrow evergreen, linear line, exerted, extrose 
Carpels 2, syncarpous, ovary inferior, globose, 4 chambered, one ovule in each chamber, axile placentation, style 1, terminal, stigma 1